Jesus said:
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. John 15:7-8
Monthly gathering
We gather every second Saturday of the month to worship and socialize. For meeting details, email to [email protected]
Who we are?
We are inter-denominational christians of Indian background and we meet once a month for worship, bible study, fellowship dinner and other related activities.
What we do?
We strive to support, encourage and grow together towards improving relationship with one another and to serve our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
Where we meet?
For many years we have been meeting at Hawthorn West Baptist Church, located at 36 Barton Street, Hawthorn (near Hawthorn Station). For the events' dates, please check our events page.
We meet in following ways, ultimately to stay in touch and take every opportunity to support each other and share the joy.
Monthly gatherings
Monthly gathering with families and kids to share testimonies and praise Jesus for all good things in our lives. Kids/youth have a separate ministry during this time.
Women's Bible study
MTCF women catch up monthly once to study and share their views on specific topics in Bible. This is helping everyone who participate to undestand various point of views and apprecaite one another. God speaks to everyone in his own ways.
Men's Bible study
MTCF men catch up every fortnight to study specific chapter from the selected book in Bible. Sharing the understanding, calling out the difficulty on understanding some of the verses is helping the participants unite and grow in the word of God.
Fasting prayer group
All prayer requests are honoured and this is not just limited to a close community. Women fast and pray for friends of various religion and geography. Our God is amazing and he is not short of blessings.
Bible quizzes
Bible quizzes are conducted to kids on each book or specific chapters to test their understanding of the scripture. This helps them nurture the way they read the scripture and note the important points. Participation is purely voluntary.
Sports and games
Though this is not officially under the banner of MTCF, brothers from MTCF families do find time to catch up playing cricket or shuttle badminton. It helps them find companionship outside their work life.

Got prayer request? or do you want to join us?
Please provide your details and brief message, we will get in touch with you. Stay blessed.
36 Barton Street, Hawthorn, VIC